
Saturday, August 21, 2010

Triumph Seduction Fashion Show

Triumph-ant show of bras and corsets


For a more centralised cleavage, opt for Triumph's Butterfly cut.

For a more centralised cleavage, opt for Triumph's Butterfly cut.

Inner wear label Triumph sure knows how to fill up the seats, and cups by the looks of things.

Voluptuous models paraded Triumph’s Butterfly, Cleavage On Demand, Cool Summer, Eco Chic, Premium, Zero to Sexy and Memory Cushion collections to a crowd who stared intently throughout the one-hour fashion show.

Almost everyone was holding a handphone camera or compact cameras snapping away while official photographers and news cameramen never seemed more hardworking and eager to work.

Who can blame them?

The bras and corsets, usually found folded in bins or on mannequins, were worn by shapely women and wholesomely filled to show the various ways to achieve that super sexy cleavage!

And boy did Triumph and the models show how it’s done!

Bust-enhancing? Check. Instant cleavage? Check. Greater push-up? Check.
Sexy? Sultry? Hot? Check, check and check!

Triumph definitely had it all in check.

If you wish to seduce, look to Triumph's Comfort On Demand for the answer.

If you wish to seduce, look to Triumph's Comfort On Demand for the answer.

Even the props were not forgotten with intricate wings attached to models’ backs for the Butterfly range and cute skirts made of newspapers on models modelling the Eco Chic range to emphasise its eco-friendly message.

The Deep V is a Triumph signature look. It has been described as a fashion accessory good for low plunging necklines.

The Deep V is a Triumph signature look. It has been described as a fashion accessory good for low plunging necklines.

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